You can receive automated stock updates directly to your inbox. Choose your preferred frequency - daily, weekly, or at the end of the month - and stay on top of your stock levels without lifting a finger.
Automated stock reports
Daily Updates: Stay informed about your stock status every day.
Weekly Summaries: Get your overview of your stock levels every week.
Monthly Reports: We will send you the stock report as of the "end of the month" 4 working days after closing date of the month. This allows us to ensure that all bookings are completed.
Go to your Account Settings
To activate this feature, simply log in to your V-Connect account and go to your settings
Now select your preferred email frequency under "Stock email settings" and do not forget to SAVE.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.
If you are interested in the future developments, feel free to talk to us. Do you also have good ideas that you would like to see included in new developments? Get in touch.