How to manage the addesses and recipients


Where do I see all delivery addresses?

In the settings you can see the list of all your addresses in "Delivery Addresses". 

Where do these addresses come from, can everyone see them?

The addresses in your list come from all orders ever created by your company. Only your company account has these addresses in the list and no other company can view your address list.

How do I add a new delivery address?

To add a new delivery address, please click here: 

How do I change an address?

Please contact your contact person in the respective Vollers office. We will change the address as soon as possible and then it will be available for you online.

If you have feedback, questions, or concerns, please feel free to send it to your representative or directly to We design and make alterations to our software based on user feedback, so we look forward to seeing what you have to say!

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